Total Medals Earned: 1,506 (From 245 different games.) Total Medal Score: 25,485 Points
Medals Earned: 1/4 (25/185 points)
Finish level 6 without harming a single foe!
Finish level 19 the easy? way!
Finished the game!
Don't lose a single plumber on level 8.
Medals Earned: 5/18 (50/460 points)
Slay the tentacle beast.
Slay the giant slime.
Slay the Pokemanz.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Slay the sentinel.
Slay the giant robot.
Slay your undead god.
Beat the game on Normal difficulty.
Beat the game on Epic difficulty.
Beat the game on Hard difficulty.
Medals Earned: 7/60 (50/1,000 points)
Check out the credits page.
Get 140 points in the first minigame.
Get 100 points in the first minigame.
Save up 50,000 gold.
Deal 30,000 damage to a foe.
Scan 25 foes.
Deal 1,000 damage to a foe.
Get a time under 90 in the third minigame.
Get a time under 65 in the third minigame.
Get 60 pieces of equipment.
Get 40 pieces of equipment.
Get 80 pieces of equipment.
Complete 10 sidequests.
Save up 10,000 gold.
Get a player up to level 10.
Get a player up to level 30.
Get 100 points in the second minigame.
Get 150 points in the second minigame.
Get a player up to level 20.
Get 130 points in the fifth minigame.
Deal 3,000 damage to a foe.
Deal 10,000 damage to a foe.
Get 230 points in the fourth minigame.
Get 160 points in the fourth minigame.
Complete 20 sidequests.
Get 190 points in the fifth minigame.
Find all treasure chests in Kitten Ruins.
Scan 50 foes.
Find all treasure chests in Volcano Peak.
Find all treasure chests in Vegetable Forest.
Find all treasure chests in Glacier Valley.
Save up 250,000 gold.
Find all treasure chests in Rock Lake.
Complete all sidequests.
Deal 100,000 damage to a foe.
Find all treasure chests in town.
Scan all foes.
Beat the game on Hard or Epic difficulty.
Defeat the final boss and finish the game!
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/480 points)
Completed Phantom Ghost Stage
Destroy Trojan Army
Defeat GoblinMadness Stage
Unlock All Upgrades
Defeat BigBang Stage
Clear All Epic Mode
Clear All Hard Mode
Medals Earned: 2/10 (50/475 points)
Medals Earned: 23/31 (115/255 points)
Your destiny is in the stars!
Medals Earned: 51/51 (500/500 points)
After Beetlejuice
Good Work, All Right Answers
Medals Earned: 38/38 (495/495 points)
Theres a monkey behind the keyboard
You can do better, 20 points or more
Win game with 29 points or more
Found the tree hidden stars
Win game with all right answers
Medals Earned: 4/9 (30/190 points)
Kick someone who's already unconscious.
Make five "friends" at once.
Complete Story
Collect $40 during the story.
Give out ten alarms in one day.
Top $100 in Arcade Mode.
Don't get knocked out in the story.
Beat 20 people at the ice rink.
Medals Earned: 3/7 (100/220 points)
Complete Level 10
Feed 100 Mooks
Get a Total Score of 2500+
Feed 50 Mooks
Complete Level 1
Complete All Levels
Feed 250 Mooks